Monday, January 30, 2012

The Write Review: Underworld Awakening


underworld by ndavisunf on

 Now, I will admit to you that I had no knowledge of the Underworld series until the boyfriend saw a preview in the theater and he turned to me excitedly and said "We HAVE TO SEE THAT!" It wasn't until later that I shared with hm that I had no idea what that movie was. That same night he went out and bought the trilogy and we watched them over the weekend.  And can I just say you guys that I am in love with these movies! I really got into the story line and Kat Beckinsale looks amazing so what's not to like.

So, when the new one came out we went an saw it. I don't want to ruin the movie for those who haven't seen it so if you don't want to know, you may want to stop reading.

First, I just want to say that the movie did not disappoint. I know a lot of people have been waiting for a while for this one to come out (and I really hope it doesn't take forever for them to bring out another) and I'm glad I just recently learned about them because I hate waiting for things so waiting for this would have been awful. Secondly, I really loved the storyline. Her finding her daughter, waking up to a 12 year gap, and finding out that Michael was dead (or was he?). It kept me captivated.

Third, finding michael in the end made me want to do a jig. He was my favorite character in the first two and I was totally for their love affair so when she found out he was alive I wanted to give a cheer. 

Some things I didn't like about the movie:

I thought it was too short. I mean, I thought they did a good job and nothing felt rushed but I would have liked to see some more happen. But I guess they are planning for a new movie so they are forgiven. 

I hated how little time Michael got. But again this can be made up in the new movie. 

I felt like their child should have had better powers or abilities. I mean she is a whole new kind of hybrid, she should have something awesome! 

Other than that, I loved it and would definitely recommend it. Still having camera issues so no pics of this past weekend in Orlando but hopefully, my friend (who did have a camera) will post some and I can show you guys. 

It's Monday and I am so tired I'm just counting down until I can go home and take a nap.

Lots of love,

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