Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Style:Lazy hazy days

I wore this outfit last friday as part of a dress down day (of course I should mention that I was the only one dressed down :). I was happy and comfy so that's all that really matters. Not much else to say so here are the pics.

Also, the boyfriend moved into an apartment a couple of months ago. He wanted to be closer to work and me and so far he's loving it. The only thing is he really doesn't have any furniture yet. So I told him if he gets the big stuff I would help him decorate (yay) since I pretty much spend all my time there and if everything keeps going the way it's going I will prob be living there once we decide to take the plunge and gasp! get married. But first things first. So I took some before shots of his place which I will post soon and then I'll post after shots when I get everything the way I want it. Probably in a month or so.

Speaking of in a month! So for Christmas you know I've been wanting a new Ipad and the boyfriend said he would buy me one for Christmas (and in exchange I'm getting him a flat screen TV) but he has decided that Christmas will be coming early and I will be getting my Ipad in about a month. I can't wait!!

 I am really dragging right now because I stayed up until 2:45 Sunday night watching Drop Dead Diva on Netflix (yes i know it was a bad decision but I thought I could make up for it Monday night and get to bed early) but then the boyfriend told me that he had invited his brother to the Jag's game but his brother ended up not being able to make it (his son had a football game and he didn't want to miss it, I thought that was a great reason...GO Dad's who care!) so I told him I would go. The game didn't start until 8:30 and by 10:30 we were just at the half. We finally left at 11  when the 3rd half started and I still didn't get home until 12 am. But the Jag's won!! I had fun but you know how I feel about football. I think I enjoyed the people watching more than anything lol. SO anyway, this morning I grabbed a can of Monster and I am forcing myself to stay busy so I don't pass out onto my keyboard :)

Happy Tuesday (date night if I make it till then lol)!!

Lots of love,

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