Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Breaking Dawn pt. I

Breaking Dawn pt. I 
For today's post I wanted to do a review for something that I think by now everyone has seen, that is the new Twilight movie Breaking Dawn. I will try not to release any spoilers but if you haven't seen the movie yet and actually want to, you may not want to keep reading.

Ok, now let me begin by saying I love the books. I started reading them shortly after the first movie came out and I loved them. I breezed through and felt an emotional connection with all of the characters. And then I saw the first movie, and I laughed and laughed because of how bad it was. I mean, the acting was so stilted I couldn't connect with the characters and to me it just seemed cheap. I nearly gave up then. But because I loved the books I figured you know what I will give it another chance and I saw the second one. And I liked it. It wasn't going to win any Oscars but it was much better acting and I actually made it through the movie without checking my phone to see how much longer we had. And I eve like the third one. I thought, you know what these are getting better and better. The last ones are gonna be great. So I got with a bunch of friends and we decided to go the Friday that it opened. And ok you guys I'm just gonna say it, it was awful. I didn't like it at all. And I will tell you why.

First, I felt like nothing really happened. And I know a lot of things went down but if you watch the preview I got what the movie took two hours to tell in the 5-10 minute preview. So I felt like they kind of threw this movie together as a filler until the last movie comes out next year.

Second, that scene with the wolves (if you've seen it you know what I'm talking about) where they are talking through their minds. I literally laughed out loud. It was so ridiculous!

Third, Bella pregnant is disgusting. Everything about it was just gross. When she threw up I almost did as well and when she drank that blood, gag me! There are jus tsome things I don't ever need to see. Oh and the sex scene just should not have happened, period the end.

Now before you go and think I hated everything there were things I liked. The wedding was actually quite lovely (not the dress so much, except for the back I loved the back!) and I thought that certain parts of their honeymoon were cute. Oh and of course Jacob at the beginning looked hot!

So there you go. My opinion of Breaking Dawn Part I. Could of been better, glad it wasn't worse. And the big question will I go see part II? You bet I will, I may have not liked part I but I still want to see how they ended it and I think that the best is yet to come. Stay tuned!

pics via polyvore.

Lots of love,

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