Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pinterest Post: Holiday Edition

Hey ya'll! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend. I know I did. I ate way too much and didn't sleep enough but that seems to always be the case lol. Most of my Thanksgiving was spent running from house to house visiting my family and the boyfriends family but it was still good to see everyone (even though I had to pretend to eat at everybody's house). I spent pretty much all of Saturday hiding out at my godmother's since she was out of town and got caught up on all my fave TV shows (is anyone else obsessed with Once Upon a Time...I love it!). Because I was doing so much runnin I didn't get to take an outfit post, an in fact, I've been really slacking on my photo taking. I promise I will get some up here soon but until then you will have to make do with a pinterest post. And not just any pinterest post, a holiday themed one. I know, you can thank me later :) Well, here you go!
 I just saw that Taylor Swift made these with some friends and she posted the completed product on instagram, have I mentioned how much I love Taylor?!
 This is such a good idea. You take the wedding invitation from someone's wedding and you cut it into strips and put it in a glass ball and give it to them on their first Christmas together. So cute right!
 Totally what I believe.
 This will be my banister if I ever own a home with stairs.
 I love this movie, it is a Christmas fave.
 Doesn't this photo just remind you of your childhood, no? Maybe it's just me. Still, I immediately think Christmas when I see it.
 Can I just say that these bars are perfection! The cranberry bliss bar is the reason I love Starbucks in the winter, and on pinterest they have a recipe to make them at home, I couldn't be more excited!!!
This will be my table in the house with my banister.

Ok well I must leave you now. See you next time.

Lots of love,

all pictures via my pinterest page.

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